growth transmitted
"Saxatile:Growth transmitted" was the title given to my 2016 bfa exhibition at Brick city gallery. the show had many facets. viewers could partake in reading 3 years of prints/drawings/writings, water plant life, ponder personal relationships.

family documented:
(4 wall mounted books, curatorial gloves, viewer participation)
Years of work mounted to the walls with the intention of the public viewing and recognizing those in their own lives that they feel for.
each book contains work that is true to it's cover page label.
pages transcend emotions having the participant flip through pages of passionate depression to complete and utter dependence on another.

For jimmy:
(Calf knee, felt bedroll, ww2 medic pin)
The perfect friend.
Able to speak only through body language.
It feels wonderful that we are each other’s.
I may have rescued you, but you saved me.
I want to give up everything to exist with you.
one of my longest relationships
mental and physical dependence
a dedicated healer

For rick:
(9ftx2ft lith-burner, light, concrete/sediment)
Finding half of the reason why you exist to be dead is difficult for a twelve year old.
I played with a corpse.
His absence has affected my life more than anything.
Would I be better of a person with him in my life?
Survival has been in question without you.
I have forgotten what it is like to have a father.
scary at times
sadness from loss

for shauna:
(dimensions vary, cotton tethered crutches, soil, plant life, video/audio loop)
Finding the love of my life so early.
A shared vocabulary of goals, feelings.
Each day I grow mentally/emotionally weaker.
I can’t explain my lack of energy towards the everyday.
It may come across as a lack of feelings; it is a mere flaw I can’t control.
I truly love you more than life.
Sorry for sadness.
Thank you for being strong.
forever growing
real attachment
sunflowers & magnolias

for sue:
(Dimensions vary,plant life, black mulch, thread, water,viewer participation)
It is difficult to think about your happiness.
I wish you could know that I love you.
Day to day sadness is not living, it is mere survival.
How do you live without the love of your life?
How do you raise a sad family?
Your declining health makes me worry.
How do I let you know that I fear for your death?
I truly loved you more.
Loving mum
life of loss
i hope she is doing well